Sunday, October 15, 2017

Crypto News: If Hard Fork Happens, Chain Backed By Majority of Miners Will Likely Win

If Hard Fork Happens, Chain Backed By Majority of Miners Will Likely Win

Bitcoin is rapidly approaching a fork in the road that will determine a great deal about its future. Recently, Cointelegraph published a piece highlighting the so-called forks of “Bitcoin Cash” and “Bitcoin Gold” and explaining that neither were a threat to the network.

The upcoming Core vs. SegWit2x fork is an entirely different animal.

Bitcoin’s scalability debate has been ongoing for over four years, and it reached such a rancorous level that some had taken to calling it an actual civil war. The debate began when many in the Bitcoin community realized that with increasing use of the network, capacity must be increased to prevent transaction backlogs.

Many called for a doubling of the blocksize as a tentative fix until a longer-term solution can be worked out. Bitcoin’s Core development team opposed a blocksize increase, preferring a more long-term technical solution.

Full story at

Source: CoinTelegraph

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